The music industry is a predominantly male industry: in France there are around 15% of women on stage and the vast majority of artistic directors and programmers are men. For the audience, the night world is conducive to aggressiveness: crowd, darkness, use of alcohol and sometimes drugs. As a music venue, we have an essential role on these two points. We worked on two good practices:
1: Prevention of sexual and gender-based violence
2: Representation of women and gender minorities in music industry for the professionals (artist, technician, office workers)
Le Grand Mix began this work in 2020.
Prevention of sexual and gender-based violence
Training against Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) towards our team:
We carried out training against sexual and gender-based violence, for 2 days during the summer of 2021, with the entire Grand Mix team and the security coordinator for our events.
The first goal was to identify and fight this violence:
identify in a group work what is this violence with scenarios of sexist and sexual violence linked to festive environments.
review the Legal framework providing the definitions and the different forms that sexist and sexual violence can take.
get Intersectional vision identifying other types of violence like LGBTQIA phobic, racism, etc.
get a method to know how to react if we are a witness of harassment with action keys (distraction, dialogue with the victim, delegation to a manager, documentation to demonstrate, and how to deal with the aggressor).
The second goal was to establish a mechanism to fight against these multiple forms of violence that can happen in our venue:
we implemented an internal policy after considering how to design a new policy in favor of gender equality and the fight against sexist and sexual violence.
we are still working on internal communication to create internal documents adapted to the teams (permanent, voluntary, intermittent, artistic, etc.);
set up a field system to know how to act during events.
Actions towards the public:
2. Act for parity
Within the artistic and technical teams:
Within the members of the association and the permanent salaried team:
Public partners:
Private partners :
About prevention: the challenge is to take the time to train and keep informed collectively and continuously.
About act for parity: it takes time, the music industry moves slowly and have to adapt to have parity on stage.
French ressources :
Consentis (for communication in our venue) :